WP Manga FTP/SFTP Plugin – cannot upload to FTP Server using FTP connection

There are cases when you cannot upload chapters to FTP server if you use FTP connection. The message says “Upload successfully”, but you cannot see any images.

It’s probably the FTP plugin cannot open connection to your storage server. If you turn on WP_DEBUG, you will see this error message in the debug.log file

php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115)

It’s because the FTP Server only support connection via Passive Mode, but your server cannot open this connection. The most common reason is that your server is behind a firewall and it does not open port in upper range (from 1024) to support FTP Passive mode connection.

The solutions?

  1. As your hosting provider to open port for out-going FTP connection (from 1024)
  2. Change to SFTP connection